Fallout new vegas max skills
Fallout new vegas max skills

fallout new vegas max skills

Skills Tag Melee Weapons, Unarmed and Sneak. She's very picky and stupid with weapons. But don't go with Lily if you want a melee partner. I never did try her though and messed up with dialogue last time. Also, be sure to try Veronica as your companion. When facing powerful ranged enemies, be sure to protect yourself with any object there is while running forward. Doesn't work even with best armor, weapons and all perks. Imagine going to Dead Wind Cavern (Deathclaw nest) alone on very hard. So being alone as a melee character isn't any way to go in my opinion. He always gets the attention of hostiles and you can freely punch/hack/whatever them to death.

fallout new vegas max skills

Boone is an excellent damage dealer, Rex is an excellent tank. Most of all I can't tell how much you'll want to have Boone and Rex as your companions. That's where this guide is ultimately going to lead you guys. Personally I just go around running and gutting every- thing I see, when sneak isn't needed. VATS gives you more range to attack, remember that. When hidden behind back, use VATS so your enemies don't have that small chance of turning around at the final moments. Getting pure Sneak attacks IS difficult as a melee charac- ter. Sneaking is one option but often it isn't. Elite creatures, which provide 50xp/kill need a different type of approach. But it gets more and more simple the better your character gets.

fallout new vegas max skills

Gameplay with this character can be tricky on hardest difficulty. You can't go around running with a baseball bat the entire game, especially on very hard difficulty. It shows all the weapons and armor you need for this character. Where to start? Well bliss and heaven, there's a and it's been hugely helpful for me. They are not to be trifled with until you have what is needed. NPC's like Nightstalkers, Deathclaws and Cazadors are difficult and easily 2-4 shot you at the beginning of the game, so be pre- pared. If you're going to play this on very hard (as I always do), I'm warning you. This guy is never going to solve anything by Speech checks. # This is a short and hopefully effective guide to basically create a total ho- micidal maniac butcher, first time inspiration from me 8).

Fallout new vegas max skills